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Grist spreadsheet metadata

Grist spreadsheet metadata definitions


Metadata (column name) Definition
project_names The names of projects working toward preserving natural ecosystems.
description A brief decription or summary of the project or a brief explanation of the project’s purpose or functionality.
git_url The URL link to the project's repository on GitHub or similar platforms.
homepage The official website or homepage of the project.
category A broad classification indicating the project’s domain or focus area (for example, "Consumption").
sub_category A narrower classification or subdomain related to the project’s area of application (e.g., "Agriculture and Nutrition").
license The type of license governing the project (e.g., GPL, MIT).
platform The hosting platform for the project, such as GitHub.
language The primary programming language used in the project.
stars The number of stars that the repository has on its hosting platform (representing the number of users who have marked a repository as a favorite and indicating popularity).
downloads_last_month Number of downloads of the project in the last month.
project_created_at The date and time when the project was created.
contributors The number of contributors who worked on the project.
dds Development distribution score.
score A metric evaluating the project's quality or performance.
citations Number of times the project has been referenced.
total_number_of_dependencies Total dependencies required for the project.
total_commits Total commits made in the project.
latest_commit_activity The timestamp of the most recent commit made to the project repository on the main branch.
code_of_conduct Indicates existence of a document or section outlining the expected behavior and ethical guidelines for individuals interacting within the project or community.
contributing_guide Indicates existence of a document or section providing instructions and guidelines for individuals who wish to contribute to the project, such as by submitting code, documentation, or feedback.
ecosystems Refers to the different package manager with which the project is distributed.
keywords List of keywords or tags associated with the project summarizing its focus or topics (e.g., "agriculture," "open-source"), to help users find the project when searching online or within a specific platform.
readme_doi_urls Digital Object Identifier (DOI) URLs, unique persistent identifiers, associated with the project's README file or CITATION.cff.
funding_links URLs pointing to information in the README file or FUNDING.yml about how to donate the project.
avatar_url The URL of an image (logo, photo, or graphical representation) representing the project or its maintainer.
last_synced_at The timestamp of the last time data for this project was updated or synchronized with
entry_created_at The timestamp when the initial entry for this project was created in database.
project_updated_at The timestamp of the last time the project was updated or modified.
readme_image_urls URLs of images included in the project's README file.


Metadata (column name) Definition
organization_name The name of the organization.
organization_description Description or summary of the organization.
organization_website The URL of the organization's official website.
organization_namespace_url The URL link to the organization on GitHub or similar platforms.
total_listed_projects_in_organization The total number of projects that are listed on
organization_category Categorizes the organization based on its purpose, industry, or domain (for example, "Climate Change", "Energy Systems").
organization_sub_category A more specific or narrower categorization within the broader category mentioned in the "organization_category" column (for example, "Climate Downscaling", "Energy System Modeling Frameworks).
location_country The country where the organization is primarily located.
form_of_organization The legal or organizational type of the organization, such as a for-profit, non-profit, academia, and so on.
organization_email The email address associated with the organization.
organization_repositories_counts The total number of code repositories associated with the organization on a platform like GitHub or GitLab.
organization_projects URLs for project repositories belonging to the organization on a platform like GitHub or GitLab.
organization_created_at The timestamp when the organization was initially created or registered on the platform.
organization_updated_at The timestamp of the last time the organization's information was updated or modified.
organization_icon_url The URL of an image (logo, photo, or graphical representation) representing the organization.
organization_funding_links URLs pointing to information about donation options for the organization.
organization_user_name The username or handle associated with the organization on the platform.
organization_twitter_handle The Twitter (X) handle of the organization.


Metadata (column name) Definition
name Name of the project and organization.
description A brief description or summary of the project or organization.
website The repository URL of the project or organization on GitHub or similar platforms.
category Classification of the project or organization based on domain or focus area (for example, "Natural Resources").
funding_links URLs pointing to information about how to donate to the project or to contributors to the project.